----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log: /disk/admin/homes/web/html/stata/taxcost.log log type: text opened on: 30 Mar 2009, 16:58:45 . set obs 1 obs was 0, now 1 . gen g=1 . gen year=2000 . gen postyear=2005 . gen pwages=20000 . gen mstat=2 . taxcost begin taxcost: it will, by utilizing TAXSIM, find the utility loss of not reoptimizing wi > th respect to changes in the tax system No grid specified, set to default (100) Note that your inputwages will be rounded to match this grid. One implication of this is that wages lower than 100/2 will be dropped (will be rounded o > ff to zero) Variable state not given, state = 0 generated Variable depx not given, depx = 0 generated Variable agex not given, agex = 0 generated Variable swages not given, swages = 0 generated Variable dividends not given, dividends = 0 generated Variable otherprop not given, otherprop = 0 generated Variable pensions not given, pensions = 0 generated Variable gssi not given, gssi = 0 generated Variable transfers not given, transfers = 0 generated Variable rentpaid not given, rentpaid = 0 generated Variable proptax not given, proptax = 0 generated Variable otheritem not given, otheritem = 0 generated Variable ui not given, ui = 0 generated Variable depchild not given, depchild = 0 generated Variable childcare not given, childcare = 0 generated Variable mortgage not given, mortgage = 0 generated Variable stcg not given, stcg = 0 generated Variable ltcg not given, ltcg = 0 generated Dataset consists of 1 different groups. From here: consider one group at the time.. -Group 1: Create one large tax schedule using TAXSIM and do calculations begin taxsim8.ado on 30 Mar 2009 (version 8.2) TAXSIM results will be merged to original file TAXSIM results will be saved in taxsim_out.dta Marginal rate with respect to primary earner Basic output Checking the ranges of input variables Checking years Checking state Checking year/state combination Checking number of dependents Checking marital status Checking number of taxpayers age 65+ Checking number of dependents under 17 for child credit (0 real changes made) There were 800 observations in original dataset. There are 800 observations with complete and correct data. There were 0 observations deleted due to missing or out-of-range data. We are sending 800 observations to TAXSIM for tax data. taxsimid was float now str3 taxsimid was str3 now str10 (1 real change made) obs was 800, now 801 (1 real change made) We are displaying the last four lines of intermediate file - check for messages: TAXSIM results are being merged with workspace by taxsimid Final output is saved as taxcost_out_ext.dta and taxcost_out_int.dta To merge the taxcost results to the current dataset, run the commands below. generate taxcostid = _n sort taxcostid merge taxcostid using taxcost_out_XX where XX equals either int or ext, depending on which margin you want the results for. Don't merge both at the same time, that will cause some variables to overlap. Use the options replace_int and replace_ext to avoid merging by hand. These can be used either by themselves or at the same time. . generate taxcostid=_n . sort taxcostid . merge taxcostid using taxcost_out_ext using data not sorted r(5); . exit,clear